How healthy is your relationship?

What are your jealous feelings telling you and what can you do about them?

How often do you find yourself feeling jealous in relationships or friendships?

a) Rarely, I trust others and feel secure in my connections.
b) Occasionally, when certain situations trigger my insecurities.
c) Often, jealousy tends to arise frequently for me.
d) Most of the time, I struggle with intense feelings of jealousy.

How do you typically react when you feel jealous?

a) I try to communicate my feelings openly and honestly.
b) I take some time to reflect on why I'm feeling jealous.
c) I tend to act passive-aggressively or withdraw.
d) I may become possessive or confrontational.

How well do you handle your own insecurities in relationships or friendships?

a) I am confident and secure in myself, which helps manage my insecurities.
b) I'm working on it, but sometimes my insecurities get the best of me.
c) I struggle with managing my insecurities, which can lead to jealousy.
d) I find it challenging to overcome my insecurities and often feel overwhelmed by them.

How willing are you to communicate your concerns or feelings of jealousy with your partner or friend?

a) Very willing, I believe in open and honest communication.
b) Somewhat willing, but I often hesitate or fear judgement.
c) Not very willing, I tend to keep my feelings to myself.
d) Not willing at all, I don't think it's necessary to discuss my jealousy.

How often do you engage in behaviours that seek to control or monitor your partner or friend due to jealousy?

a) Rarely, I respect their individuality and personal space.
b) Occasionally, but I try to catch myself and reflect on my behaviour.
c) Often, I find myself checking their social media or asking intrusive questions.
d) Most of the time, I struggle with controlling behaviours fueled by jealousy.

How willing are you to work on managing your jealousy and addressing its root causes?

a) Very willing, I actively seek self-improvement and personal growth.
b) Somewhat willing, but I sometimes feel overwhelmed by my emotions.
c) Not very willing, I think it's difficult to change my jealous tendencies.
d) Not willing at all, I don't believe I need to work on managing my jealousy.

How often do you find yourself apologising after acting out of jealousy?

a) Rarely, I make a conscious effort to control my jealousy and actions.
b) Sometimes, when I realise I've let my jealousy get the best of me.
c) Often, I regret my behaviour and apologise afterward.
d) Most of the time, I struggle to acknowledge the negative impact of my jealousy-driven actions.

Now, let's see how well you manage your jealousy based on your answers!

Remember, this quiz is just for fun. If you find that you struggle with managing jealousy, consider seeking support from a trusted adult, counsellor, or therapist who can help you navigate and

Mostly A's:
Mostly B's:
Mostly C's:
Mostly D's:

Heart to Heart © 2023 by Safer Cornwall in partnership with Falmouth University (Annie Gault and Michaela Horova) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.