How healthy is your relationship?

Saying sorry can be hard to do and it helps to think about how you do it best.

When you realise you've hurt someone's feelings, what's your initial reaction?

a) I immediately apologise and try to make things right.
b) I feel guilty and want to make amends as soon as possible.
c) I take some time to reflect on what happened before apologising.
d) I might feel bad, but I don't always express it right away.

What makes you feel genuinely sorry for your actions?

a) Seeing the other person hurt or upset.
b) Understanding the impact of my words or actions on others.
c) Realising the consequences of my behaviour.
d) When someone points out how I've made a mistake.

How do you prefer to receive an apology from someone who has hurt you?

a) I appreciate when they genuinely express their remorse verbally.
b) I prefer actions that demonstrate their apology and effort to change.
c) I like it when they give me space to process and then approach me calmly.
d) It doesn't matter much to me as long as I know they're sorry.

What helps you forgive someone who has hurt you?

a) Hearing them say they're sorry and acknowledging their mistake.
b) Seeing consistent changes in their behaviour over time.
c) Understanding their reasons or motivations for their actions.
d) Time and distance from the situation.

Which statement resonates with you the most?

a) "I need to hear the words 'I'm sorry' to feel better."
b) "Actions speak louder than words when it comes to apologies."
c) "I prefer understanding why someone did what they did before I can forgive them."
d) "I can forgive and move on without needing a formal apology."

How important is it for you to receive an apology when you've been hurt?

a) It's crucial. I need to know that the person acknowledges their mistake.
b) It matters, but I'm more focused on seeing changes in their behaviour.
c) It helps, but I also consider their intentions and the overall situation.
d) It's not a big deal for me as long as things improve.

What makes you feel most reassured after receiving an apology?

a) Hearing the person express sincere regret and take responsibility.
b) Seeing consistent efforts from the person to prevent future harm.
c) Having a heartfelt conversation about the situation and finding mutual understanding.
d) Time healing the wounds and moving forward without dwelling on the past.

Now, let's see the results!

Remember this quiz is for fun and the score is purely to determine answers and not representative of winning or losing.
Score yourselve according to the choices you made a) 4 points, b) 2 points, c) 3 points, and d) 1 point.

If you scored between 28-35 points:

If you scored between 18-27 points:

If you scored between 21-25 points:

If you scored between 7-17 points:

Heart to Heart © 2023 by Safer Cornwall in partnership with Falmouth University (Annie Gault and Michaela Horova) is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.